Appreciation Monday – Week 3, 4 & 5

Apologies for missing out on the Appreciation Monday posts for two weeks. Life takes over sometimes. Now to compensate for the two weeks that I didn’t post, this week’s you will have not 3, but 9 posts from 9 different people! So bear with me if this post ends up becoming too long. Or leave a comment if you enjoyed it! 😁
Alright, let’s get started then!
1. @revminister
Just look at this shot. And then check out his profile for more! I’ve seen him grow and improve his work very rapidly in the past year or so that I’ve known him. Keep it up Harsh!
2. @wheelsofheaven
Does this look angry to you? It doesn’t to me… 😝 The guy with the highest attendance at the Sea Face! You’ll almost always run into him there! 😁 Go check him out!
3. @addicted_cam
One of the first people I met when I started going out to spot cars and cover dealer lever car events. Really nice guy! Do check out more of his work!
4. @shashank_amruthrao
One real hardworking petrolhead from Bengaluru. Shashank just seems to keep improving with each of his post. Hope to meet him again soon! 😁
5. @rohiitsonawane
This is one of my favorite shots and edits! There are many more shots, but I could share only one out here. You know what? Do yourself a favor and check out his work. He edits on a phone btw. So, yeah.
6. @autoframer
There are literally 1,00,00,000 more ways to photograph a car! And there is no one better than him to show you how! Just see his profile and you will understand what I mean. Juan (AutoFramer) is an inspiration to me! 😅🙏❤️️
7. @mercedesmaybachinindia
Maybach? In India? Yes. Every Maybach that makes it to India will be here. A really interesting profile and a very humble guy! Hope to meet you soon brother! 😄
8. @exotics_kannur_13
Everything happening in Kannur (South India), right here! Sometimes, makes me want to shift there! 😁😅❤️️ And this photo is just #cargoals.
9. @nirmeet.patil
And this is exactly how fast my weekend went by. Do check out more of his work.
That’s all for this week!
Whew. That took a while! I hope you liked what you saw. See you next week with 3 posts from 3 new people, first on Instagram and then here. So why not follow me on Instagram to see it first?? 👀 Click here and hit the Follow button!
You can show that appreciation in big and little ways. It’s often the little things that really count.
Keep paying the appreciation forward!
If this was your first post, don’t forget to check out week 1 and week 2 of Appreciation Monday! Keep in touch! 😇🤝 #thebestcarblogever
1 Comment
These are really some of the best & cool photograph on cars I have seen on internet so far. Really well clicked & amazing images.